Long posts

Cruelty-free make up

I’m not super clued up on cosmetic products in general. Contouring is total magic to me, and I can’t even get liquid liner right without an emergency cotton bud on hand. But a lot of people use makeup everyday, or even if they just use it on weekends to look like a total bombshell at the bar, makeup products do have an environmental impact, so it’s important to be aware of that and make good decisions about which products to buy.

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One Percent

One Percent Changes: Reduce your sugar intake

Reduce sugar

Continue reading “One Percent Changes: Reduce your sugar intake”

Long posts

How to drive greener

There’s no denying that transport is essential. We need it to get ourselves from place to place, to ensure goods get to where they need to go, and even to transport the fuel that makes transport possible. Transportation based on fossil fuels, such as petrol and diesel, (including planes, trains, cars, trucks and ships) contributed 20.5% of the global Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHGE) in 2014, making it the second highest contributor after electricity production (49%), with manufacturing and industry coming in close third (20%). Furthermore, personal transport and freight transport are both expected to increase by  1.7% and 2.3% respectively between 2000 and 2050, with the majority of the increase coming from rapidly developing nations.

Continue reading “How to drive greener”


Senzabamboo natural silk floss

Photo credit: https://www.senzabamboo.com/

Continue reading “Senzabamboo natural silk floss”

One Percent

One Percent Changes: Reusable facial wipes


Continue reading “One Percent Changes: Reusable facial wipes”

Upcycle Sunday

Upcycle Sunday: Notepaper box

A little while ago we bought some beautiful handmade soaps which came in nice boxes, which I kept. In case it hasn’t been obvious before, I’m a bit of a hoarder of useful looking things because I really like my space to be organised, but I also hate having to buy things to organise my space. I saw a post on Instagram about reusing scrap paper for taking notes or writing shopping lists which gave me the idea of an upcycle note paper box for my office. So below is a guide for the quick facelift I gave one of the soap boxes.

Continue reading “Upcycle Sunday: Notepaper box”

One Percent

One Percent Changes: Buy in bulk

Buy in bulk

One Percent

One Percent Changes: Try to avoid non-recyclable plastics

Type 7 plastics

Upcycle Sunday

Upcycle Sunday: plastic bag dispenser

If you’re anything like me, you’ve got a small mountain of plastic bags left over from the bad old days before they were regulated. Of course you can recycle them, but it works out a lot more ecofriendly if you keep using them for as long as possible and only recycle them when they have worn through. Continue reading “Upcycle Sunday: plastic bag dispenser”