Long posts

How to drive greener

There’s no denying that transport is essential. We need it to get ourselves from place to place, to ensure goods get to where they need to go, and even to transport the fuel that makes transport possible. Transportation based on fossil fuels, such as petrol and diesel, (including planes, trains, cars, trucks and ships) contributed 20.5% of the global Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHGE) in 2014, making it the second highest contributor after electricity production (49%), with manufacturing and industry coming in close third (20%). Furthermore, personal transport and freight transport are both expected to increase by  1.7% and 2.3% respectively between 2000 and 2050, with the majority of the increase coming from rapidly developing nations.

Continue reading “How to drive greener”


Senzabamboo natural silk floss

Photo credit: https://www.senzabamboo.com/

Continue reading “Senzabamboo natural silk floss”

One Percent

One Percent Changes: Buy in bulk

Buy in bulk

Upcycle Sunday

Upcycle Sunday: plastic bag dispenser

If you’re anything like me, you’ve got a small mountain of plastic bags left over from the bad old days before they were regulated. Of course you can recycle them, but it works out a lot more ecofriendly if you keep using them for as long as possible and only recycle them when they have worn through. Continue reading “Upcycle Sunday: plastic bag dispenser”

One Percent

One Percent Change: Choose produce with fewer types of packaging


Long posts

Is zero-waste a privilege?

A couple of weeks ago an account I follow on Instagram asked the question “Is a low or zero-waste lifestyle a lifestyle of privilege?”

Continue reading “Is zero-waste a privilege?”