
Senzabamboo natural silk floss

Photo credit:

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Upcycle Sunday

Upcycle Sunday: Notepaper box

A little while ago we bought some beautiful handmade soaps which came in nice boxes, which I kept. In case it hasn’t been obvious before, I’m a bit of a hoarder of useful looking things because I really like my space to be organised, but I also hate having to buy things to organise my space. I saw a post on Instagram about reusing scrap paper for taking notes or writing shopping lists which gave me the idea of an upcycle note paper box for my office. So below is a guide for the quick facelift I gave one of the soap boxes.

Continue reading “Upcycle Sunday: Notepaper box”

One Percent

One Percent Changes: Buy in bulk

Buy in bulk

Upcycle Sunday

Upcycle Sunday: plastic bag dispenser

If you’re anything like me, you’ve got a small mountain of plastic bags left over from the bad old days before they were regulated. Of course you can recycle them, but it works out a lot more ecofriendly if you keep using them for as long as possible and only recycle them when they have worn through. Continue reading “Upcycle Sunday: plastic bag dispenser”

One Percent

One Percent Change: Choose produce with fewer types of packaging


One Percent

One Percent Changes: Reuse shopping bags

Shopping bags


Yolk Cloth reusable face cloth

Picture credit: SassyChic (link below)

Continue reading “Yolk Cloth reusable face cloth”

One Percent

One Percent Changes: compost your egg boxes

One Percent Posts

Upcycle Sunday

Upcycle Sunday: storage jars

Ok, last week I said that the upcycled tissue dispenser was the easiest DIY project ever, but I have to revise that statement. THIS is the easiest DIY project ever! As bulk shopping becomes more of a popular choice, there’s a lot of emphasis being placed on reusable jars, and generally these are assumed to be glass. But why buy something new when you already have what you need at home, right? I started buying body lotion in tubs rather than the squeezy bottle things because I like being able scrape out every last drop of lotion! But the jars are actually quite nice, because they’re made of a durable plastic. I would advise against keeping them somewhere with direct sunlight as there is always a slight risk of chemical leeching as plastic degrades. However, other than PET (Type 1 plastics), most other common household plastics have been deemed safe to reuse.

Continue reading “Upcycle Sunday: storage jars”