One Percent

One Percent Changes: Reusable facial wipes


Continue reading “One Percent Changes: Reusable facial wipes”

Upcycle Sunday

Upcycle Sunday: Notepaper box

A little while ago we bought some beautiful handmade soaps which came in nice boxes, which I kept. In case it hasn’t been obvious before, I’m a bit of a hoarder of useful looking things because I really like my space to be organised, but I also hate having to buy things to organise my space. I saw a post on Instagram about reusing scrap paper for taking notes or writing shopping lists which gave me the idea of an upcycle note paper box for my office. So below is a guide for the quick facelift I gave one of the soap boxes.

Continue reading “Upcycle Sunday: Notepaper box”

One Percent

One Percent Changes: Buy in bulk

Buy in bulk

One Percent

One Percent Change: Choose produce with fewer types of packaging


One Percent

One Percent Changes: compost your egg boxes

One Percent Posts

Long posts

Cruelty-free personal hygiene

There’s a lot of pressure on women to take care of themselves, and to look young and gorgeous forever. That’s not to say there isn’t pressure on men to look good, but I think the point where its ok to look your age is a lot older for women than for men. A lot of people rely really heavily on makeup to achieve this, but from my experience makeup can be quite psychologically damaging.

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